Monday, June 14, 2010

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

Barcelona is amazing. I had no idea what to expect. The Mediterranean Sea is lovely and the people are extremely accommodating. The train ride was 6 1/2 hours from Paris, I got very motion sick until my little motion sickness patch kicked in (it takes four hours!). We had a three hour "lay over" in Montpelier in Southern France. It was beautiful. We found our hostel in Barcelona by 9pm which was perfect because it doesn't get dark until 10 or 10:30 pm here. We had more cheese and crackers for dinner, then hung out in the hostel lobby making friends. The Barcelona del Mar is extremely clean and safe feeling. Also, we have decided to not head to Italy this week for financial reasons, so we will be kicking around here tomorrow and the next day. Hopefully we will be able to travel to some smaller towns in southern France and Spain on the way back to Paris. It is nice to be a tourist, sight-see, and practice our foreign language skills, but I can't wait to get to the Hague and Geneva and practice my foreign lawyering skills! Going to bed now, goodnight~

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